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2003-06-12 - 8:11 p.m.

Heh.. so many thoughts suddenly. Firstly, I just thought that it was funny that when I brought up the "run" window from the start menu, "wordpad" was still there as the last command. It makes sense that my grandparents aren't techie enough to use an advanced option of windows like that, but it highlights to me how it feels like I never left.

I'm back in Quebec visiting my grandparents and I've already had an adventure :o/ This time I was out on the four wheeler and the engine suddenly cut out. As I was coasting I checked the kill switch and the ignition, both were fine. I still don't know what was wrong with it, but it's definitely some kind of electrical problem. I'm afraid to go very far on it now, although I'll almost certainly want to ride it again. We'll see.


I forgot all the other things I was thinking of. Umm. It's been a long time since I wrote. Ohhh yeah, I thought of the awesome note Vinaceous left me about finally doing something about my layout muahahahaha... which I am planning to ignore tonight.. I'm so evil. You're right, though, I did want a kick in the ass. Unfortunately, I think I'm going to need kicks in the ass every day for the rest of my life if I'm actually going to amount to anything. Although.. I did bring my computer along on this trip specifically because I've worked so dilligently on my natural selection level. I'm going to set it up in the basement and the idea is that I can spend a few hours on ns_spaceport every day between lunch and supper. Mind you, I'll be away for the weekend at the family reunion, but there are still almost two weeks until I leave for Ottawa.

Oh yeah, I need to get in touch with Dennis. That'll happen eventually.

Hmm.. I'm at that moment where there is all this time stretching ahead of me and it feels like I don't have to do anything *now* because I have so much time to do things in. Actually, it feels like it would be too soon to call Dennis and I know it's too soon to call the library to renew my books. I just wanted to mention that feeling/ state of being at the lip of a valley of time, coasting easily down into the thick of it, being overwhelmed by the seemingly vast amount of it that there is before me. However, I know from experience that the next moment I'll be aware of will be near the opposite lip, climbing arduously toward the end and realizing that I have hardly any time to accomplish the things I thought looked so easy at the start.

Ok, I don't think that analogy came out exactly the way I wanted it. I would need to practice a lot more before I could be a successful novellist. Just another thing I dream of doing... Speaking of novels, I have a great collection of fiction that has completely captured my immediately-before-bedtime attention as I get rapt in each story at night. I know that it, too, will suddenly seem to be over when I reach the last pages although now since I've barely cracked the cover, it seems like all those thick juicy pages will last me almost forever.

Ok, enough practice for today. I'm going to do something brainless like watch tv or sleep.

Sorry about the layout. If I can, I'll switch it back to the old one until I make time to make something beautiful.

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