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2003-05-12 - 9:54 a.m.

Been a while. I was out camping in frog forest hell for a while. It was only hell through the night and into the morning, and only because we only had one tent for 4 people, and because it rained, but the forest and the frogs were heaven. I spent a lot of time alone in the woods and it was blissful. I used to do that all the time but I can't down here because there aren't any public forests. Imagine that. There's no public land anywhere down here unless you count the roadways and a few scattered parks. What am I thinking.. things won't be better in Ottawa, will they? It's a city too. At least if I got a place on the outskirts I would be close enough to nature. It could never be like Elliot Lake, though, where my backyard stretched hundreds of kilometers into the woods, farther than I could go and varied enough that I could go out every day and not see the same places twice, unless I wanted to.

I do have the right kind of occupation to live in that sort of area again. All I have to do is work earnestly and honestly long enough to establish myself in the online community, and then I can continue to work from a remote location. I can't do that now because a) I have no job to do in that remote location and b) I'm not disciplined enough to start my own company.

Maybe I should join the army. Ha.

So anyway, I had to write today because I'm leaving tomorrow for a two week visit at my grandparent's place. They live in Mont Beillard, only 11 hours away, so I'm off to see them and hopefully catch Sarah on the way up too. She and I are definitely getting together on my return trip because we've been planning to go to Canada's Wonderland for a few months. Hey, wouldn't that be cool? To live in a theme park for a few months? Well, no, we've only been planning it for that long. But anyhow, the trip is happening on the 24th long weekend after which I'll be home again. By then Amherstburg should be well into summer which will mean sweltering temperatures and humidity and one soggy and quiescent Carl. It should hopefully be relatively cold in the basement here. I can just summerbernate or whatever the word for that is :oP.

Some time I am going to have to do something about my layout. I got a note from TheSiren saying she had caught up on some of my entries and my first thought was that she had to read through the horrible layout I have sitting there. I should really take the image out until I take the time to work on it. Yes, I don't even have to make time for these things; the time is already there.. I just have to spend it a bit more wisely.

What else? Oh yeah the reason I turned on the computer was to do a bit of recording with my accoustic guitar. That's something I have done in a long long time, after my stint of electric-only playing, and especially after buying that POD thing that means I don't need my computer to play my electric. I'll have to figure out some way to hook up the POD to the computer for some recording. The good news with that is that I can use the line input, so if I work it right I should be able to use winamp to trap the line in waveform and use it to display visualizations as I play. Madspin here I come!

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