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2004-03-05 - 3:12 p.m.

Today is a good day.

As I give more and more of myself, I realize there is more and more to give.

Work has gone amazingly well the last few days. I'm quite frankly surrpised at just how much I can accomplish when I really set my mind to it, or perhaps the surpise is at how well I have been able to put my mind to work. I think that's it.

But.. now I can REALLY use a break. I was frantically working up to the very minute that my meeting with Cory was supposed to start, and actually finished just on time. (strange how that works). When I messaged him, though, he needed to postpone until later :P I was expecting that, but couldn't work any less hard in case he would be ready.

Life goes on and gets better day by day. Maybe I can go make cookies at Saara's again tonight :D

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