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2002-12-02 - 9:30 a.m.

Dear Diary,

Well, it's Monday now. And I'm not in a rush to get to the office. But I do have to get my banking info to the HRDC asap. I also need to make a list of things to do, most of which involve Christmas shopping though ;o)

I slept in until 8:45 and I think I have a cavity (or two). Didn't floss last night. I've been pretty good for that, though, flossing about 3-4 nights out of the week. That's 3-4 nights more than usual :o) I have to look for those floss holder thingies that Charlotte told me about. Not the disposable ones, but ones you wrap your own floss around. Maybe they'll have some at Wal-Mart. Hmm.. I .. oh! Ok.. that works. I can drop the film off at Wal-Mart today and go pick it up tomorrow because Lilo and Stitch is coming out tomorrow and then I can buy it for Kris. I don't think they have musical instruments at Wal-Mart, though, at least not the nice kind, so today I need to do a tour of the music stores around town.

I didn't mention.. my record for meeting sleep goals is terrible. I haven't woken up on time since last saturday, and that had been the first time in a week. One day in over two weeks is not good. I don't remember the last time I went to bed by 10:30. Where did this disregard for my goals come from? Last night it wasn't even Natural Selection that I was playing, just Star Control 2, an old old game that I've almost finished before anyway. Don't know why it's so interesting. Anyway, the good news is I'm not playing any games today until I get all my tasks done:

Cancel Visa insurance

Get banking info to HRDC

Drop off film to be developed

Christmas shopping

Haircut - 4:15

There.. that will make me a satisfied little boy. Then I will be able to play games to my heart's content, at least until 7:30 or so at which point it'll be time to head out to Grandview.

And with that snappy list of todos.. I'm off!

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