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2002-12-13 - 11:37 a.m.

11:24 - Friday.

Cool, I get to catch the last half hour of the morning in my entry.

I was just remembering spending some time with Cody yesterday. Cody is 8 I think and is a really hyper child with some similar behaviours to what Kris had, just at a later stage. At parent-teacher interviews, his mom was given some helpful advice about starting Cody on a daily journal entry. I thought it would help out by pointing out that I did that too, since Cody likes me and generally looks up to me. When I said "like a diary.. I have one of those", the "I have one of those" was drowned out by him whining about hating the idea of a diary. "I'm not a girl" he said.

Hmm.. at the time I felt bad that I brought up a touchy subject and got him off on the wrong foot, but come to think of it he would have rebelled against that idea whenever it was brought up. Anyway..

That reminded me of something else. When I remembered him saying "I'm not a girl", it reminded me of when I was rubbing Sue's shoulders after yoga and Cody figured he'd help. He came over and started squishing Sue's muscles rapidly. I wasn't sure what to say so I asked him if he wanted me to teach him how to do a massage. I told him he was doing it too fast and too hard. He said, and I quote: "She's a girl. Girls like it hard". Now, this kid really doesn't know much about sex. I don't know why it bothered me so much that he was repeating lines he probably heard quoted from some adult comedy. It only takes a few kids at school allowed to watch certain shows before the whole school knows the choicest lines, but still.. it's going to take some getting used to when I'm a parent. If he was my kid, I would definitely have taken him aside for a talk after that.

To me, those are formative moments, when a parent is first exposed to some new behaviour or mannerism. If I were his dad and I just didn't react to those words, like yesterday, then I would be failing, I think. If he were my son, I would have taken him aside and had a normal conversation between equals about why people don't generally say things like that, and that if and when they do, they do it in the right context. Because honestly, I could see myself saying that line.. it's not impossible to imagine, but the situation would have to be just ripe for it, because it's not the kind of thing I would normally utter. I think Cody missed a chance at a valuable lesson there yesterday, unless he just normally says stuff like that and he's already had talks with his parents about it.

I can't wait to be a parent again.

I couldn't believe that Sue doesn't want kids, ever. Niki and Sue both, and wait.. I think Nikkie Sagle doesn't want kids either. I need to find a girl who's a cross between Sue and Michelle. With some Niki thrown in. Yeah.. now we're talking :o) The right one for me will probably end up being completely different.. but how would I know that? I can't wait to meet some new people.. I'm really really lonely.

It's funny that I say that because lately I'm super busy with lots of things to do and friends to hang out with. I mean lonely in the relationship sense. I mean, sure, I can talk with friends about stuff, but all I want is to sit and cuddle for an hour without talking, then I'd be fine.

Ack. Bye.

Time for breakfast.

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