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2002-10-24 - 8:10 a.m.

Howdy ho

I can't decide whether I feel like I have more energy this morning or whether I just feel the same. I really had to fight to get out of bed though. I listened to my ocean sounds CD again last night as I was laying in bed, but when it got near the end I looked up at the clock to see that it was 11:30. I don't know what in the world keeps me up at night because I'm tired in the mornings but still get up on time. I've always had trouble falling asleep. Sigh.

I did have a cup of regular black tea yesterday morning, but I find it hard to see how 1 cup of caffeinated tea at 9:30 am is going to keep me up past 10:30 pm. Could happen.

My water is boiling... k..

I'm cooking some pasta for lunch, which brings me to my first exciting subject for the day: my roommate.

I can't remember if I mentioned it but I recently told my roommate that I wanted to stop sharing food and start buying our own groceries and keeping them separate in the fridge. I was all gung ho to share food and share costs but that just didn't seem to work out. So anyway my roommate agreed and said he still wanted to be able to share some stuff, in his words "I want to be able to use some of your cheese". All right, sure, go ahead, I don't care if you need cheese for something you can have some. Yesterday I find that 3/4 of the cheese I just bought is gone and what's left is loosely wrapped and ripped into rough chunks. I just don't get it.

Aside from that, I made some spaghetti sauce the other night, and I made a double batch so it would last me a while. I want to spend less time in the mornings making lunches so I figured this was a great plan. Except that as soon as I make spaghetti sauce, my roommate figures he doesn't have to cook for himself any more. "Hey, can I try some of your spaghetti sauce?" "Hey can I have some of your spaghetti sauce?" "Hey, do you mind if I have some of your spaghetti sauce for supper?".

Am I just terminally evil or does it seem like he should get the point that I don't want him mooching off me any more? Last night, for the first time ever I just told him no. He asked if he could have some of my spaghetti sauce for supper and I said "You know, just leave the rest. Why don't you start eating your own food." He repeated the line "just leave the rest" like he didn't quite get it. Of course I felt bad for it.. for a while. But then again he's been "sharing" and by that I mean helping himself to whatever food of mine he wanted in whatever quantities since he moved in and the most I've eaten of food he's bought has been a few slices of bread and a banana. So no, don't eat my spaghetti sauce, I'd like to have some for my lunches instead of coming home to find it all gone.

He'd already eaten 3 meals out of the batch of spaghetti sauce. One the first night I made it, again the second day and yesterday when I came home I checked and he'd taken at least 2 meals worth (for me) out of the container it's stored in. So far, I've eaten dinner once and made a lunch once out of this batch, and then he's all shocked when I tell him to leave the rest instead of making yet another meal out of my food. What is so difficult to grasp about this concept? Why doesn't he see that I'm basically grocery shopping and cooking for him?

Ok, I went on for a while about that. You can tell I haven't been dealing well with the problem.

Just when I think I'm doing fine and I've got everything under control, the smallest little problem throws me way off balance. I need to learn serenity. Just deal with it.

I just did dishes and made my lunch and it was a much-needed break.

I don't want to write any more. I want to eat a bowl of cereal and blast some baddies in Diablo 2 again. I remember I was worried I wouldn't have time for my whole morning routine if I woke up at 7:00.. well, yesterday I played Diablo 2 for ten minutes or so to kill time before going to work :o)

I guess I'm not done yet :o) HA! Just by saying to myself that I don't have to write any more in the entry, I suddenly WANT to write more! Cool.

I got an email .. well several .. from Sarah yesterday. I haven't talked to her since she told me she was coming to Thunder Bay at the end of October and now it's 5 days until she shows up. I'm pretty excited to see her.. it's been at least 3 years since the last time. I'm thinking we should go to the Pita Pit for dinner.. I may make reservations if they take them there.

Ahhhhhh I see. I started that last paragraph out with one train of thought and then shifted to a related thought in the middle. That's why it petered out and didn't have a natural conclusion. Strange.

So the first train of thought was that I hadn't heard from her in a long time and suddenly got a bunch of communication and an email with the subject "thinking of you". Then again I just mailed her a modem so I'm assuming she got that hooked up and suddenly had net access again. Maybe I'll see her on MSN so I can talk about her plans when she comes down. She also left her phone number at the end of an email so I guess I can call. Figures just after I get my long distance plan disconnected that I would want to call someone long distance. I don't think it matters, though, because the plan only kicked in after I'd spent $20 that month in long distance and I haven't made a long distance call in ages.

Ok, now I'm talking about long distance phone plans. Time to go eat and play.


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