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2002-09-06 - 7:26 a.m.

Dear Diary,

Wow.... am I ever in a great mood :o)

Last night, I got to talk to Michelle *again*.. I was surprised because she didn't think she'd be able to be in touch since she moved out on like tuesday. Anyway, there was a clan match and she wanted to know how her clan did so she must have gone over to her dad's special and I just happened to check online :o)

Anyway.. we had yet another great talk. Lots of laughs and smiles were had by all, and much pain of shitty work was shared. The best part for me was right at the end of the conversation when I said "I love you" and she smiled and said good night. What a feeling.

So.. let's see if I can remember anything else about yesterday ;o)

It was a rainy day so I decided to drive in to the office. I think I did a little better than the day before at staying focused on work, but this time I was less tired and more just lacking in will power I think. I must just learn to grit my teeth, I must remember never to underestimate the importance of what I do. You'd think with the way that I *really* can't afford to lose my job at this particular moment that I'd be working like a fiend, but... I'm very easily distracted.

The good news is I really am almost done my project. I'd better be because it's due today. I have a few loose ends to wrap up and then we can begin testing in earnest. I hope everyone will be pleasantly surprised with it :o) I know I'm quite proud of it. It's very slick and should make an impression on users that this company can make some really neat software. I think that's an attitude you have to cultivate in the software industry if you ever hope to make it big.. you really have to innovate and go above and beyond the absolute requirements, even if only in little ways. My seed app does that, and I'm proud.

oh! After work was badminton :oD I was so thrilled to be able to play.. at first Larry didn't show up and me and Jamie just gave up and took off from the church. But Larry showed up at my house right after I got there and I phoned Jamie and we decided to go even though we only had 3 people. Talk about making the right decision! We all had really intense, really close games. One game I was spectating was super intense.. Larry and Jamie went into a tie-breaker and either person could easily have won. This is cool because before Jamie would always lose by approx 15 - 7 or so to Larry. I'm really looking forward to playing doubles in a tournament this year with Jamie :o) Another really cool thing about badminton was that I could actually tell I've lost weight. I can only have lost at most 5 pounds but I really noticed that I could get shots that were just that much farther away. I also noticed I had a lot more stamina. Biking regularly has been really good for me. Never would have happened if I didn't start waking up earlier, but I've only driven to work about 3 times in the last three weeks. Excellent :o) I also got a call while we were out playing that the Sunday night club start up this sunday! Ooooh.. and the tuesday nights start on the 24th. I'm sure the people that run the club will let me pay later.. I wrote the date that I'll be able to give them money: october 18th. That will be my second pay cheque without restitution coming off it. Although, I do have to pay down the visa debt. Obviously, I'll need to make a firm plan for exactly how much to put against which debt and into which account for each pay cheque if I'm going to make my 6 month goal.

Speaking of that, though, I made the goal on August 28th so it's more like my 5 1/2 month goal now ;o) I figure when I hit the 3 monther, I'll make a new set of goals, with the new 3 monther falling where my current 6 month goal falls now. We'll see.

So after badminton I got home and talked to Michelle and then went to sleep. It seems like I really didn't do much but that's how my day goes when I work almost the whole time. It's like: work, 1 activity, a few minutes doing something else.. bed. But you know what, I'm happy. Things couldn't be better for me, I really can't imagine how I would change things to make them any better. I could wish things were different, sure, but realistically, things are the best they can be right now.

I *can* *not* *wait* until Saturday!! I'm really jumpy and clappy and squealy whenever I think about it. TOMORROW!!! WEOOOOOOO it's TOMORROW!!! ahhh.. I'm going to have a hard time getting through the day calmly ;o)

Ok, this entry is allowed to be short. I think I should go up the hill and scope the new day to see if I really should bike. Then I'll have breakfast, make a lunch, and bike to work. Then, I'll bike home, take the hard drive and some memory out of the old computer, and pack that with Mich's stuff, then Stu and Mark will be over and we can do some fun stuff, then I'll go to sleep, then I'll wake up, then I'll pace around the apartment for part of the morning, then I'll go buy flowers, then I'll drive to Terrace Bay, then I'll go to the lake shore, then I'll sketch the rocks (in the sunshine :oD .. I heard an awesome forecast this morning.. like 26 saturday and 33 or somethig crazy on sunday!!!) and then... THEN.. I'll go to Michelle's!!!!!! 90 hudson!!!!! shit green and white!!!! between two white houses!!!!! and KRIS will be here!!!!! and .. and... OOOOOOOOooooOOO!

Man.. ok.. I .. yikes.. time to get started with the day.. sigh :o)

I am *happy*

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