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2003-04-03 - 11:43 p.m.


Good day! Although I didn't get up as soon as I woke up, I made up for it by sticking to my goal and painting a picture as a present for my grand mother. Mind you her birthday is tomorrow so I didn't have much choice, but still, I did it :o) Not only that, but I'm actually happy with the thing, which is definitely unusual for me. I nitpicked about it after I was done but really it's ok and I'm not ashamed to give it away as a gift hehe.

I didn't make it to the library today and so my books are overdue. In my defense, I thought about it at 11:00 but the library doesn't open until 1:30 in the afternoon here, if you believe that. Tomorrow is soon enough. I can drop them off on my way to buy a frame *sheepish*.

I've been reading a Calvin and Hobbes book for the past few days. Can I call it reading when I'm enjoying comics? Heh.. well, anyway, I absolutely love Calvin and Hobbes. Definitely my favourite, although Far Side is a close second. Maybe it's because I was so exactly like Calvin as a child. I think the point is that we all were, in some respect, but I actually acted out a lot of the stupid stuff he does :oD Although as far as I know, Calvin has never dropped onto all fours and gnawed the leg of a recess monitor. I was just joking, really. I didn't bite her hard.

So off to bed for me. I've come to the conclusion that if I manage to play my guitar, paint, and program, each for at least a half hour each day, for the rest of my life, then I will die a happy man. All the rest will come into line if I just manage to keep those goals in mind and execute on them. Oh, and the daily diary entry. As much as I fantasize about quitting after a year or something like that, I just don't think it's going to happen. I think it's a) too useful and b) too much a part of who I am to stop now. As I sat there looking at my completed paining tonight, it dawned on me that if I extrapolated how far I'd come in painting after only doing it ten times and imagined how good I could be in relation to my improvement on the guitar in the last 6 months, then if I painted every day like I've played guitar every day, I'll be whipping off masterpieces before I know it.

We'll see.

Time for bed.

After I play some guitar ;o)

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