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2003-04-15 - 3:10 p.m.

Yesterday I watched "Echoes Part 1" where you get to see David Gilmour playing and I totally picked up the idea of wiggling your finger on the string for vibrato. It's funny, I hadn't done it (or at least lately, seriously) but today I was suddenly playing soulful blues licks .. well.. I'm kind of laughing at the idea of calling something I'd play a blues lick, but at least I played what someone who is learning to play a blues lick plays when they don't know how to play one yet. I'm starting to really feel at one with my guitar.

Speaking of loving my guitar, I've now completely switched over to the electric. I almost never play my accoustic any more, which is bizarre because up until recently I loved the thing to death. I took it out of the case today for the first time in a while (because windows 2000 was taking forever to boot into safe mode.. ack) and I still vastly prefer the warmth of sound and the way the notes affect each other so much more on an accoustic, but honestly, that old guitar is a joke. It's so hard to play! I tried to do a simple blues scale halfway up the neck and could barely manage it because the strings are so far off the fretboard. I mean, Rauli did a great job considering the shape it was in, and it was free, but you can only really play it up to about the 7th fret or so before it becomes unmanageable. So.. it was a great guitar to learn to love playing guitar on, but it's not terribly useful now as an instrument :o( But.. that's ok, I have my cheapie squier to hold me until I become a rock star and deserve a real Stratocaster :)

Now I need to get a move on because I have to print out and sketch the picture that we are painting in tonight's class. It's only 3pm and my class is just after 5 but if I don't start now I'll be late. I have a 40 minute drive to get there and plus I have to get ready for badminton which is right after. Oh! I forgot to mention yesterday that I bought a new badminton racquet and although I haven't played a single game with it yet, I'm totally in love! This thing felt like a part of my arm from the second I picked it up off the rack, and plus it was $20 off! So I got a racquet that is at least 500% better (no exagerration, honest, it's really that good) and the thing only cost me $57 with tax! My last racquet, that I hated with a passion, was so heavy that I nicknamed it "the club" after those metal bars people lock on their steering wheels to prevent theft. At first I was sad that I broke "the club" (I was playing badminton with my sister in the front yard and stepped on it as I was reaching for a low shot), but now I"m glad haha. It would have made a good backup but oh well. Oh yeah and I hated "the club" so much because I figured I'd buy a cheapie racquet cause everyone else at the club had one that only cost half as much as my best ones but felt just as good, so I ordered one from someone at the club who was a distributor for Victor. It was the cheapest 1 piece racquet but still cost me over $40 and .. let's just say I wasn't expecting an iron-car-theft-deterrent-weight club when I ordered it. Bah. Anyway, now I have joy of the supremest quality and quantity, and I can't wait to play tonight!!!

Ok, Something is wrong. Oh yeah! I just had some chocolate. Ok, that explains it.

I also bought System of a Down's new CD yesterday. I wonder if my painting will be affected if I listen to it on the way to my class? Hmmm. Check back soon for an update! Ha. No, I'll forget all about what I wrote here by tomorrow.

ps. I really need to make some time to work on my layout

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