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2003-04-29 - 6:46 p.m.

I was never like this when I was young. I never desired to lie down and close my eyesrather than do anything else. I actually remember resisting the idea of sleep in favour of doing more active things, not able to understand why my mother seemed so quiescent, wanting peace and tranquility while I wanted to be more active.

Now I find myself laying there with eyes closed, suddenly remembering what it was I was doing before I decided to go lay down. I need to brush my teeth.. they feel icky after eating hot dogs. I also need to put in my contact lenses since I'm leaving for badminton soon, and before I do that I have to wash my hands, but I didn't get up. I just kept laying there, thinking "I have these things to do.. but.. I just don't want to. Laying here is easier. It feels nice. I don't really have to get up right now, so I won't."

Thinking about this made me get up, though. Combined with the fact athat I hadn't written an entry yet today and I reallyu wanted to write one before I left for badminton, these ponderings seemed important enough to get up off the bed and write down. I do want to get better.

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