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2003-06-15 - 7:46 p.m.

"Systems of construction and systems of destruction". There's a thought to remember.

I had the most wonderful weekend. Singing and playing guitar till 2 in the morning with cousins I'd just met, hiking on amazing land formations and getting a postcard view of the beautiful surroundings, hearing fireside stories told by drunken octogenarians, smoking a joint with a far-out great uncle... life couldn't be better. Just now I was sitting out on the back porch, drinking in early evening sun and a glass of water, playing cribbage with my grandmother.

Back to that joint; jebus, I'd missed that stuff! Going to the free-flowing spring water source for a cup of water was such a holistic experience while high that I just about died of happiness. Fishing with my cousins, old and young, heck even hunting for earthworms to do the fishing with was an amazing experience. Turning over rocks, looking under logs, digging in turf with Yves was the kind of fun I haven't had with friends since I was much younger. Going for a walk in the deep forest was another experience I haven't had nearly enough of.

It occurred to me today that perhaps the reason I haven't been finding people more like myself is that I've been living in the wrong area. The far south of Ontario in the heart of farmland turned automotive industry parkland and luxury housing suburbs is not the kind of place to find a fellow nature loving who likes nothing more than to spend his or her time looking under rocks for worms to go fishing with. Not to say that people who live in the city wouldn't necessarily like doing these things, but that in their lifestyle they'll do them infrequently if ever. I may not be expressing the realization I had very well... it was more of a reflection on how amazing it was to meet so many people who were exactly like me, who were exactly the kind of people I was looking to have as friends, all in the same weekend, when I had spent half a year without meeting a single one back in my parents' area.

Anyway, nuff said. I spent so much time baking in the sun that my skin needs some sheltered indoor reading time.

Oh yeah, one thing I can't forget is to bring Michel some special rocks for his collection of natural curios. I owe him so much more, but the payback can start with that one simple thoughtful thing :o)

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