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2003-06-23 - 10:26 a.m.

Last night I had the most amazing time. Heh. Well yeah, that too, but mostly it was because I played my electric guitar for the first time in a while. I'd been playing my accoustic steadily (each day :o) and since it's a lot harder to slide and bend notes on the accoustic, I had a way easier time with my electric in my hands. I've also been coming up with a lot of little ditties on the accoustic and that gave me more material to play around with on the electric. Take all that and add the effects of my wonderful POD and suddenly you have a half hour improv concert for one. I so wish I had had a wire to connect my POD to my computer so I could have recorded what I played. Not that any of it was all that stellar, but just that there were a lot of new ideas there and you can really sense songs wanting to emerge from under the surface. I'm finally getting a glimmer of what David Gilmour saw when he bent and hammered and pulled sweet bluesy melodies from his Strat in the Live at Pompeii video. I remember when I saw him there with his long hang hanging in the breeze and tanned skin soaking up the sun with a big smile on his face, getting paid big bucks to play his guitar in the sun. I remember thinking: I wanna be a rockstar :o) Hehehehehe. I'm not that good, but I can be a basement rockstar and have all the fun. If not the money.

I've had some great thoughts. Oh yeah! Ha. I also think of word pairs or phrases sometimes, often without a specific use for them in mind. 'Anorexic endomorph' is an example.

Also last night I recorded some parts of me playing against bots in Counter-Strike. Sometimes kicking ass, sometimes looking extremely foolish, but generally having a good time. I don't know if I could be good enough to be in a real clan. I know I'm not now, and also that it isn't worth trying cause of the rampant cheating going on in the CS world. K anyway, boring subject.

I'm heading outside to do some tree trimming with my grandmother. Yard beautification kicks ass.

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