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2003-03-24 - 1:14 a.m.

Oh wordpad, I hate you.

There we go, now I feel better :)

Ummm what to say. I have my guitar in my lap and I have the microphone running. Yes.. Hello? Do you have a refrigerator? No, wait, "Is your refrigerator running?" Umm.. is your microphone running. Is it 1:04 am? Yes. It is. As a matter of fact, I uhhhhhhh.. hahahaha I'm not going to erase anything because of the mic. Because, you see oh yeah (big pause there, but didn't type any of it) because I'm typing all the things I say, or should I say saying all the things I type. And so, if I decide I want to back up and erase something, as I often do while writing an entry, it impinges upon my mind that I can't erase what I've said and so the words must stand. Because I'm linking the two, therefore I leave um.. yeah.. the words on the computer page too. Screen.. whatever.

No, I'm not intoxicated in any manner, although to the inexperienced eye, I might appear to be strange. I am, but it is sleep deprivatory type derangedness and not the kind inflicted by intoxication. Not that it's a bad infliction. Hehehe. Oh yeah while playing NS one of the players mentioned how BC bud is the best. Talk about making me jealous. I had to whine about how I have no supply and he went on to expound on the virtues and pleasures of "blazing every day". Yeahhhh. I know I wouldn't accomplish much if I were in that rut, but I choose to still allow myself the pleasure as long as I don't become abuse and chronic. Yes. I made that choice because... because what? I got stuck in the sky, I think. Not many people will get that. Too bad, they are a great band.

Ok.. time for sleep attempt. I won't call it sleep, that would just be setting myself up for disappointment. I think I'll go watch CNN for a bit. I heard some weird news/rumours in-game about some US soldiers being captured, etc. Want to know more. I'm sure I'd be tired enough to sleep in a little while. The book isn't all that great. "The Extremes". It's not that it's bad or I should say not that it isn't great, but that I'm just not into it. Maybe I would be if I was in a different mood or maybe at a different stage in my life. It's funny, too, because I'd often pondered about the premise of the book and it's not exactly the approach I would have preferred him to take. I suppose I can't blame him for aiming for a popular theme that leads to multimillion-selling books ala Clancy or whatever other drek is poured upon the market these days. Why glorify the things we hate about our society? Anyway.. it makes me think.

I wonder about "Earth Abides".. it's on top of the pile and will be devoured next. Under it...oh yeah.. Cryptonomicon. No idea what it's about and I probably won't even read very far into it. Once in a while I pick up one of these strange books just in case it's really cool. Last couple times, though, nothing great was discovered. I had to think for a second if I'd already used the word 'discovered' in that phrase/sentence. Who the hell would have cared, anyway.

So... now what. Yeah. Bye.


ps. haha lol

Today in-game (NS that is) I said the stupidest thing and have to record it. Some guy talked in the mic and he sounded faint so I meant to say "put your mouth closer to the mic" and what came out was "put your face closer to your mouth". And I knew as I said it that it was screwed up (obviously, as of the word "face" instead of "mouth" but it came out anyway. So I let out a good laugh on the mic and elicited some others. Jebus what a joke.

pps in case you haven't noticed yet, I replace all instances of 'god' with 'Jebus'. Consider it homage to the Simpsons. I'm just tired of referring to a myth I don't believe in, thereby lending it undesired credence.

ppps CCR lol it's late.

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