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2003-03-22 - 10:39 p.m.

It's half-past ten. Well... 10:36PM since I'm in win2k.

This is the plan: I want to brush my teeth, get in the hot tub for a while, then read my book till I fall asleep. I've been trying to rip myself away from my book since 10:00 and it took me a while :)

I also want some tea. I think I might start it steeping before I go in the hot tub and then have it after, while I cool off.

I also want to play my guitar. Haven't done that yet today. I also want to write a diary entry. Doing it now, sort of, but my original idea was to start it, then maybe write more later. That doesn't sound like such a good idea any more, since I need to play my guitar and I want my tea.

So.. change, start tea, soak in hot tub, drink tea, play guitar, read book, fall asleep. Sounds good. Should be asleep by about 12:30. This is kind of like estimating how long it will take me to get some programming done. There's a lot of inconsistencies that can throw off the timing, but you get a second sense for about how long things will take.

I need this.

So.. good night :)

Wish me luck. I'll report in the morning.

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