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2003-03-30 - 1:51 a.m.

I played guitar a lot today. It all started when I meant to learn more of that Pink Floyd song (Is there Anybody out there?) but instead got sidetracked at wholenote.com by the blues d scale. Talk about fun! It was a snap to learn and because I've been practicing scales fairly regularly, I could crank out a decent pace and some expression added in within a few minutes. I ended up making 5 separate recordings today, which is definitely a record, and all with the electric guitar, too! :o) I had some fun trying to learn some different songs, including but not limited to, parts of "Frail" by The Gathering (dead simple) and a riff from one of the radio stations in Grand Theft Auto 3, specifically the one on the LIPS radio channel that is really funky. My baby finger is tender from sliding notes for that song :o)

Oh yeah, I also drove to the store to get Doritos. I haven't had Doritos in a long long long time and I had a wicked craving for them. I sat and relaxed and watched Ocean's 11 which I'd had kicking around for a long time but never watched. Kickass movie!

All in all a very enjoyable day.

Amanda (my sister) came into my room just before 9am to tell me to get out of bed cause her and her friend Zana (who slept over) had made pancakes. She stayed around in my room for like 5 minutes because I kept wanting to go back to sleep, but she insisted :) I'm glad, it made the day longer and more fun. Why did I still stay up so late? Dunno.. didn't want to put the guitar down. I still want to play my accoustic a bit while I sit in bed with the lights out before I go to sleep. Either that or read. Or both. It's not so much lack of self-control, but rather bad decision making I guess that keeps me up so late.

More! Jane (mom's friend) called today.. oh yeah.. I forgot to tell mom.. well anyway we talked for like half an hour which was cool. Jane is one of a rare breed of people these days and it's no wonder my mom gets along with her so well. She extended an invitation for me to stay at her place if I ever wanted to check out Vancouver island. Talk about tempting! If I made a trip like that, I'd have to drop by Shawna's on the way. Who knows? A road trip may be in my near future. Just imagine.. the open road, some campsites, my accoustic, and a bag of weed :o) Heh. Especially if I drop by BC, eh? I'd have to stay in Canada on the way back ;o) But I could drop by and visit Janice in Calgary maybe. Who knows what could happen.

But I probably won't go. I should even think that way, lest I jinx it, but it's just the kind of thing I've regularly had the opportunity to do but haven't done in my life. Then again, a lot of things have been changing with me lately :o)

Ok, enough jibber jabba, time to shtick this baby up there in cyberspace for all to see.


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