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2003-03-29 - 2:15 a.m.

ha that's twice I read the last entry and got an instant laugh :) With the precious cluck and the bok bok bok... man.. what a freak I am.

Yesterday I fell while rollerblading with my sister. I was demonstrating how to use the brakes :oP See, the problem is I have a wheel brake, which is supposed to be better because it wears down more slowly and evenly. However, if you try to stop really fast, it just rolls away and you lose your balance. And if you're me, you do that and land on your elbow and scrape it.

Bah, I don't want to write more about it. There's more. No point though.

So it's late. This morning I woke up at 9am with my alarm and didn't get up. I just lay there thinking about it and eventually fell back asleep. So.. it's 2 am. I had my first scrim tonight though, which was a ton of fun. I got owned along with the rest of my clan and that was good for a change. It was still a great time. They said we were the best clan they'd played yet so that's good at least :o) I also spent a lot of time today thinking and planning for a natural selection map. ns_spaceport. We shall see.

And now it's time to floss, brush and read a bit before hopefully falling asleep.

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