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2004-01-26 - 8:57 a.m.

What a day. I've already been awake for 10 minutes (well, "awake" is a strong word) and I've already had overwhelming feelings of "this is my life" and "this is what I should do today". It's kind of like one of my personalities is more responsible in the daily schedule sort of way, and it is most active when the rest of me is still mostly asleep, which unfortunately doesn't last too much of the day.

I've been trying to plan my day. My main priority is to reach my programming goal: to attach my program to a running instance of IE. That is a major task that I believe I can finish in one day, but that could easliy go more than one. Getting 6 hours of work done would make me very satisfied.

However, I have some other concerns that are starting to press. I have to get money mailed down to Amherstburg in order to make my next Visa payment, and to do that I have to go deposit some money into the bank here, and then get some cheques. I should email my account representative down in Amherstburg and ask her where I should mail the cheque. Her email is escaping me, though. wiglek? kwigle? No, it's wiglek. tdbank.ca? td.ca? Hmmm. Maybe I still have her business card. Or an old email somewheres since I already emailed her once about something.

Then I have the reminder list on my computer:

write by tue jan 20th:


wed jan 28rd ***note rent due day too! better be a cheque!!!

-mimi (&ben)

-grand-mom & jacques


The jan 28th part I changed last night because it bugged me to look at the 23rd and know that although I was several days overdue on that one, I had no intention of writing a letter at that moment.

I guess that's not really a whole lot to be concerned about, but there it is and I would like to not have to worry about it at all. My first goal of the day is to be on the job by 10 and since the half hour from 8:30 to now has evaporated so quickly (get up, pee, drink oj, write entry, god I'm as slow as a sim) I know I'd better get in the shower soon and eat breakfast without delay or it will be 11 before I know it and I won't have started work.

Hmm.. a diabolical scheme is brewing (hah!) in the back of my mind. Rather than make these goals be "fire and forget" as it were (hardy har) I should make it a point to post another entry just before 10:00am to say "I ate and showered and here I am, ready to work". Cause that way I'll have to be accountable for my goal. "Fire and forget"... I'll have to remember that one :P

Well, the good news is that I haven't forgotten the #1 goal which is really more of a promise but still falls under the same category. Lest I forget.

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