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2004-01-29 - 10:13 p.m.

I'm feeling very blah tonight. I did some really good work today and I guess I just wore myself out by sticking to it as long as possible. It was so boring and dreadfully annoying. I wanted so badly to have finished so I could email Cory that capturing events was a go, but now it'll have to wait a bit longer yet. I'll need to pick apart a sample program and reverse-engineer it to fit my application. Sigh.

I got a bit of a headache this afternoon. Strange, since I had a cup of coffee this morning, but it felt like a caffeine deprivation headache. I think it's cause I had 2 cups the day before and so my brain was expecting 2 today. Gah. Why did I go and buy coffee making supplies? I had to fight down the urge to say damn it all and make a cup 10 minutes ago. That would be.. well, I would be up very late. But the last few nights I've been up till 2 or 3 anyway, so what difference would it make? It's either all or nothing :P

I'm thinking the best thing to do would be turn off the damn computer and read a book for a while. It's nice to get a break from hearing the fan.

Oh, I keep forgetting to mention that I'm flossing my teeth again every night. I really have changed. Before, as little as 2 years ago, I could spend a lot of time acquiring a new good habit, and then completely lose it after only a little while of neglecting to do it. These days, I can go months without flossing and then be right back in the groove. It's as simple as having the flossing stick and floss there with my tooth cleaning supplies. I just need two of them in case I'm doing any sleeping over :)

Maybe I'll get to bed early tonight. I could use some extra hours. Tomorrow is going to be a gruelling work day, I can just tell. The good part is that when this shitty stuff is finally done, the rest will be smooth sailing. :) At least I hope.

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