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2005-06-19 - 6:53 a.m.

The entry I wrote was a very strange dream I just woke up from. When I got up, I first reached for my notebook, but then decided to type it instead since there was just so much to record and I didn't want to forget any.

It was weird.. I was barely awake, but keeping the memory of the dream together, and when I looked at the laptop, the background image really bugged me. It had too much information, and was too connected to my current reality.. it was making the dream vanish. So I closed my eyes and squinted to look only at the parts of the screen I needed, to open wordpad and then maximize it. This still wasn't blank enough, so I partly closed the lid of the laptop and then figured I'd type with my eyes closed.

This worked well, except for two things. One, I made mistakes.. but didn't care too much. These things are really only for me, but I would have liked it to be neater. The second, though... the default keyboard layout on this thing is French so ' is e accent aigue and " is the capital version of that, so the text looks extra odd.

Still, the meat is there. It's only a shame I couldn't record all the myriad details. I'm sure the little I did manage to write is vague and wouldn't elucidate much to the uninitiated. I say that because it feels like so much of my dreams are now relevant to past dreams.

Like this search through the labyrinth. Try as I might, I couldn't put any chronological order to the dream components. It seems like the training tour I got through the stronghold happened before last night's dream, in a previous dream, and that what I was searching for last night was something I hardly remember from the distant past. I just don't know, but the dream was extremely vivid, and meaningful to me.

Gladly, I think I remembered all the major stuff from last night. The night before I had a short but very clear dream where I went into this house following a 'friend' I hardly knew, and sat down across from some guy. I was seeing people I didn't know in extreme (paintable) detail, although usually I either only recognize people in my dream as people I know, or just know that I don't know them. The night before last I was seeing strangers and strange places as clearly as when I'm awake.

This was a roadie friend of a musician, and there was musical gear around the place. It didn't last very long, but the clarity was worth mentioning. Anyway, enough for now. I've been typing half an hour. 7am. Time to go look for that casting rod in the little shed.

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