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2002-12-24 - 8:50 a.m.

Dear Diary,

Hahahaha.. I sat here staring at the empty wordpad screen waiting for the web page to come up. Then I realised I had to type something.

I have exciting news! My guitar got here early! I wasn't expecting it for a little while yet, at least the 30th. It's so strange because last night I dreamed about my guitar. I was sitting/laying and heard rich and warm music so I turned and saw that someone was playing my guitar. I missed it so much I got all choked up in my dream! Can you believe that? I was remembering this dream in the shower and that's when I figured it would take till about the 30th based on how long the first parcels took to get here. You can imagine my surprise when I opened the door and Amanda told me my guitar was here. I really really thought she was pulling my leg, but it really is here.

Wow now all I want to do is play it so I have nothing in my mind to write about.

I went to Niki's yesterday to feed and play with Chloe. She left me a few treats as a thank-you and my are they tasty :o) I took the time to call in my UI report while I was there and found out that I'll be getting $345 a week for up to 38 weeks. I doubt it will take me that long to find a decent job but it's a good thing to know I'm entitled to it. I've been paying UI premiums since I was 17 (which is 9 years) and I've never claimed any until now.

What else is there? I'm not sure. I set up my computer yesterday and the kids are now hooked on Insane :o) Hehehehehe it figures. They also love my collection of electric motors and miscellaneous electical and electronic parts. We make a nice family :o)

Ok, that's really all I can think of. I need to go play my guitar now :o) Bye

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