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2002-12-27 - 9:18 a.m.

Well, I'm not being old fashioned today. :oP

Last night we all went sliding at a special tobogganing hill in Windsor. This area is so flat that they used an old landfill site as a toboggan hill. It's a real blast, though, with a fast straight drop that has a bowl shape so no one ends up off the course.

After staying there a measly half hour (I said I was bringing my car next time ;o) we headed back home and then jumped in the hot tub. I'm going to get used to this using the hot tub in the winter stuff. It was nice and relaxing and I learned a valuable lesson: don't get your ears wet if you're in the hot tub in the middle of winter.

I'm being challenged to a game of top corner hockey :o) It's the table-top hockey game I bought him for Christmas and he loves it. I succeeded on my gift buying quest this year for sure. My mom's already made some nifty looking drawings with the drawing tablet. Speaking of which, it's right in front of me and I'm tempted to use it.

I need to wrap this up and get eating. But what else to relate? Well, yesterday I went to Niki's again to feed Chloe and I brought my guitar. I played for only a little while but one of the things I want to remember is that on the trip down here I realized there are as many days in a week as there are notes on the western scale. I figure I can play A chords, A scales, and jam around in the key of A on Sunday, do B the next day and so on, and that way I can get a comprehensive musical education in a short time.

I think I want to do that for a month or two and then go back to playing whatever. If I do it for a month, then I will practise each key four times. I think two months is a better target. It would probably only take me 20 minutes to do the scale, the major chords with inversions, and the minor chords. Later on when I get more practise in, I could probably whip off all the scales and chords in about an hour and do that every few days or so.

I'm forgetting about the sharp and flat keys though. I bet once I learn the rest of the stuff I've talked about so far that the rest will come easy.

Ok, there was something else I wanted to write about. Oh yeah, on my way back from Niki's I was thinking about what I was going to do with myself in the coming days and weeks. I'm considering beginning a serious design phase for my "juggernaut" project. That's the code name so far that will have to do because I can't think of anything else at the moment. Juggernaut is the name I had come up with a while ago in relation to another project that ended up being expanded into what I now consider my best idea relating to the field of software design. Look out world :o)

Ok, I'm off to eat.

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