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2002-12-28 - 9:35 p.m.

Tristan: I keep a map of the house in my head.

Mom: I keep a map of Amherstburg in my head.

Amanda: I keep a map of the park in my head.

Carl: (I keep a map of Amanda in my head... oh.......)

Funny how a 5 year old's thought process sparks off a major integration of many of my thought memories. When I said I had a map of Amanda in my head I meant that I could point our her arms and legs and nose and face, but then I realised that that particular map applies to many different people, in fact to most humans.

This is a breakthrough concept for me, although I'm sure others have thought of it before, but it crystallized for me in a certain way and helped me to understand how I'll write the memory of my life goal program.

By the way, I forgot to write a diary entry today because I didn't do it this morning and I only realised as I was typing this that I hadn't remembered to do it later. I wonder if I would have remembered before going to sleep?

It's cool that I was going to write this on paper, but it's taken me as long to write the original train of thought, explanation, and additional bonus ramblings, yours for only 3.99, in the same amount of time it would have taken to write the first few lines of this on paper.

I don't write anywhere near 100 words per minute.

This will do for a diary entry. It's my first internet activity from my computer at the new house since we just hooked up the router today :o) I can't wait to teach the kids all about the internet.

They will help me more than they know.

Ps. It's my birthday today. I'm 27. Any available women please email me at [email protected] with applicable stats, ie internet connection speed and hard drive size. :oP

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