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2002-11-01 - 7:58 a.m.

Dear Diary,

Wow.. November 1st already. I remember thinking that this day seemed so far away, but I knew that when it came it would seem like the time had gone by fast. Well I sure was right about that, although I have a lot of memories of the time gone by and so in a sense it doesn't seem to have flown very fast after all.

It sure doesn't seem like it's been so long already, though. In a greater sense I guess, the last few months have been a very small fraction of my life. But I've lived quite a lot in those few months.. more than I did in the same amount of time prior to August 17th, that's for sure.

Anyway, enough with retrospectives, I'm sitting here in Minneapolis writing this on a 21 inch monitor, proof that things don't stay the same for very long. I'm at Tom's getting ready to start my day of quick software fixes and long business meetings :oD Hmm.. I just had a thought. Wait! Two! First, I should suggest to Andrew that he offer a service whereby I can type :D in my diary and the right smilie comes up. Second, I completely forget to do my diary review this week. I knew on Sunday that I couldn't do it because my computer was at the office, but I didn't do it on Monday morning when I got the chance. I forgot to add it to my daily short list, and also Sarah was in town which messed with my schedule a bit. I thought that because I realised I may not think of the smilie suggestion until I do my diary review and read this entry over.

I think I'm making paragraphs longer because of the size of this monitor. That remains to be seen.

Tom's shower fan hums in the note of C. It was fun to do harmonies with it this morning. I wasn't loud or anything, but it was still a lot of fun.

Well, morning routine time has almost given way to morning work time. Soon enough. First we have breakfast and then I'll get to task. I have a lot of energy this morning from going to bed early last night and getting a good night's sleep. It was a very quiet bedroom and the bed was super comfortable. It's a good thing, because I'm going to need a lot of energy to make it through the day. I can feel a good work day coming on :o)

Ok, talk to you later.

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