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2002-11-02 - 9:20 a.m.

Dear Diary,

Wait.. I'm going to open the curtain first.

Aha! :o)

Ok, I'm starting to like Autumn better now. It's a crisp day with a beautiful blue sky shining behind the scattered leaves of the tree in my front yard. -5C out, I'm sure it smells just right too.. It would be a nice day to take a walk at the cascades. Sometimes I really wonder if having LAN parties so often is all that good. I really do enjoy them for what they're worth but I'm increasingly feeling like I'm missing out on a whole day and that the gaming experience doesn't make up for it. Maybe I'll suggest having them every 3 weeks.

One thing that's strange is that I don't find the events particularly social. I mean, considering I'm with other people all day, I hardly know the people that I've met through the LAN parties.

Mark came home drunk this morning at 6am. He was swearing under his breath and banging around in his room for about 10 minutes, making quite the racket. It made me think of how I don't really trust him and I worry that he's going to snap some day and do something awful to the apartment. I'm just not comfortable with that situation at all lately. It's the second of November today, I'm thinking that I'll tell him he has to give me $300 by November 15th or find another place to stay. He's lived off my kindness long enough.

I want to quickly get my other complaint out of the way. I was pretty pissed at Tom by the time I got home last night at 11:30. Our meeting with Digital River went pretty badly, but even if it had went well, it was not even an hour long. In that hour I was called on twice to confirm something Tom was talking about, and once to ask if I had any other questions, to which I supplied one. This could easily have been done on the phone and there wass absolutely no benefit to me being there. The only thing I can imagine is that Tom either needed the emotional support of having extra people there (he also called on Ollie to come in) to make it look like his company was doing better business (he also said something about working with IBM through some Scottish company, which is a blatant lie. Doesn't he think these people see through him?).

The only other reason I can think of for having me there is to avoid the bother of having to set up the conference call so as to make the meeting as painless as possible for the DR people. Quite frankly, neither of these reasons warranted me driving 13 hours, spending about $75 on gas, and losing two nights out of my week. I need to tell him this is unacceptable. Oh, that's ok though, I'll have the chance this morning because we're having a phone meeting. On Saturday. Right-o Tommy.

Alright! Phew! Happiness is mine! Relaxation! That word looks weird. Relaxation. Hmph.

This computer is so much quieter with only the 60GB drive running. It's far far better to have the stuff I had stored on the first drive moved off to CDs. Actually, IIRC, the first hard drive was mostly empty because it was slower than the second one. And it was making all the noise. And it had a crappy corrupt install of 98 on it. And now life is much better. It was so worth those two days of reinstallation effort. Actually, there's still a lot of stuff that needs to get put back in to the system, apps to reinstall and drivers to get up to date.. but it is worth it.

LAN party today. I don't have DoD installed, or CS, or Insane. I have CDs of all that stuff but oh, here's a weird thing, my CD rom is a 36X drive but reads at the speed of an 8X drive. Very strange. I may just have to swap with my work machine considering how little I use CDs at the office. God knows I used my own hardware there at the office for long enough. Actually, that 12GB drive that is now too loud was one that I used there I believe. Perhaps leaving it running too long was bad for it.

I think my pasta is cooked.

Alright, lunches are made. Now I don't have to worry about it Monday morning. I'll probably spend the extra time playing Diablo 2... hmmm

I really don't feel like writing any more. Time to eat.

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