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2002-11-21 - 8:33 a.m.

I'm purposely avoiding starting this entry with "well". Well, that worked. ;)

I feel good this morning. I got plenty of sleep last night and restful sleep at that. I still didn't want to wake up at 7:00 but I didn't fall completely back asleep either. It was actually one of those nights where I woke up way before wake-up time because my body had been doing that so much lately, and that disturbed my sleep some. Regular patterns... my body is made up of regular patterns but my mind is made up of chaotic patterns. I need to force the mind in line with the body since it's so dependent on it.

I want to be at work on time today and.. oh yeah I'd like to bring a lunch as well. And oh.. I want to work today too. It's not that bad, really, I just need to look forward to it. I need to look at it as something new to learn and something new to do as opposed to "work". Technically speaking, the work I have to do is more new and refreshing than Natural Selection, since I've been playing far more NS than I have been doing work.

Tonight I'm going out to Oriental Gardens at 5:30. I'm going to stuff myself with excellent Vietnamese food! I have to take out $60 to pay for it and I can't forget to bring the two-bite brownies I bought for the occasion. I'll be going to Jamie's straight from the office so I should get in touch with him.

Just a note to self (aren't they all?)... the last paragraph sounds a lot like my internal dialogue in the mornings. I mentally go over the things I'm doing today and make a list of things to remember. Doesn't mean I'll remember them but at least I'm trying :) It's always been like that, too, as far back as I can remember. There's one for the thinking computer baby model.

Hmm.. 8:32 and I still have to eat breakfast, make a lunch and drive to work. Tomorrow I'll wake up earlier. Maybe I can whip off a big ole entry like I used to do.

Ta ta.

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