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2002-11-22 - 9:06 a.m.

Slept in again today.

Stayed up late again last night.

My theory is that it's because I haven't had orange juice in a while. I mistakenly bought "orange punch" which actually lists concentrated orange juice as an ingredient (after sugar???) but has about as much resemblence to OJ as processed cheese does to cheddar.

Natural Selection rocks my world. I want to move there. I think I like Hera the most.. it has a nice reception area :) "Nothing" reminds me too much of the Alien movies.

So.. today I work. Yesterday we had a meeting with Tom and I finally got enough guilt to motivate me to get some work done. I think it came from having basically the same status as last week and lamely repeating something about how hard it is to work with Microsoft products. So anyway, today decryption of playlist items, tomorrow badminton tournament.

Bah.. must go. Shortest entry yet? Dunno...

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