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2002-10-07 - 7:30 a.m.

I spent a while looking at weather statistics just now. There was a cool trend when they plotted the number of days per month where the rainfall was greater than 10 mm, and for snow, where it was greater than 10 cm. The pattern was like 0 0 0 2 3 5 5 5 3 2 0 0 for the rainfall and 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 for the snowfall, where the first number is for January and the last for December. It just goes to show that although each day's precipitation is completely chaotic, there are very definite and simple trends that occur over time.

It is -3C outside right now and I'm still thinking of going up to watch the sunrise. I'm also biking today which means I should put on my long johns and wear a winter jacket. Also, the weather forecast included a trace of snow so maybe I'll see the first snow of the year. I was pretty sure I might have seen some the other night, but it would just have been bits of frozen rain instead of well-formed flakes. I'm looking forward to a nice heavy snowfall for going out and walking in. Some forested area would be a good place to walk in the snow.

My cheap Wal-Mart floor lamp is starting to fail. The light will suddenly go out and then back on and then out again, intermittently. It's been pretty good up until now but either I didn't screw the bulb in all the way (unlikely) or some of the wiring is faulty. It only happens after it's been on for a while so I know it's heat related. Whatever. Life sucks, and floor lamps die :oP

I went out to the cascades natural trails yesterday. I called Tanis to try to ask her to come for a walk but she sounded kind of down and said she just wanted to stay in. Who knows, maybe the cold weather was making her ache extra. I've made it a goal to get her out of the house and on a nature walk some day this week, though, so we'll see how I do. I'm going to try anyway.

I spent about 3 hours out at the cascades. I walked about 3km, strolling along leisurely. I sat down at the rapids and read the big book there, like I'd planned. It was nice and relaxing to sit next to the sound of rushing water. I also looked at a lot of things up close and took my time inspecting whatever looked interesting. I'm glad I'm still like that. I guess I don't have to worry about ever changing because I've always been curious about things that most people don't care about :o) Now to find the woman who is like that too...

At one point I ran across a tree that had fallen over recently and left a gaping hole in the ground. About a tonne or so of dirt and rocks was still clinging to the root system and it was awe inspiring in a sense. First, to realize exactly how much grip these giant plants have on the earth, and second to realize how much force must have been applied (by the wind, I assume) to topple that tree. I stood there for a while, peering closely at the roots, and thought it was strange how they looked all fat and gropey. I can't define their shape any better than that: gropey. The branches of trees are slim elegance and optimal forking, and their roots are gropey. They lack any sort of arrangement, they just sink down into the earth in whichever direction they are facing. I took a chunk of root home with me. I think it'll make a good sketch subject. Maybe I should contrast it with a branch to get a feel for how to draw different textures.

I brought my sketchbook out there too. It was a little too cold and blustery to sit and try sketching something though, not to mention the day was rather wet. I saw two subjects that would make good sketches, one a rabbit hole going into the trunk of a tree between two roots at ground level, and the other a bunch of lichen and moss and some miniature shrub plants growing on the rocks by the rapids. I think the subject I was thinking of in the lichen case was specifically the light green stuff that has the flowy edged shape, almost like a spilled drop of milk frozen in time. It looks a little like an amoeba. I should have just sketched a few of those shapes, really. I need to loosen up and treat sketching like playing the guitar.. it doesn't matter how little I do it, or how badly, just that I keep at it. So any time the feeling strikes, I should just go ahead without regard for coming up with a perfect outcome. I also wish I had brought my camera. I need to finish off that roll of film.

I'm kind of having a slow morning. I don't know why, badminton tired me out fine last night and I don't think I woke up throughout the night. Maybe it was the chips I ate before going to bed. Who knows? I sure don't. Anyway, I have to psych myself up for a chilling bike ride to the office. I can't forget to bring some chamomile tea bags. Maybe I should just bring the whole box. I don't normally have tea at home. It wouldn't hurt. I also want to bring the whole bag of bagels this time, instead of just taking one out of the bag each morning and bringing it to the office. MmHmm. So yeah, I should go get the box of tea out so I won't forget it.

Ok, I always like it when I do things as soon as I think of them :o)

I'm such a dumbass. Last night, I sat at this very spot eating unshelled peanuts out of a bowl. I kept thinking how it would be good to have a container to put the shells in, because the bowl was starting to overflow with shells and it was hard to find the ones that were still whole. Meanwhile, there is a container reserved for putting peanut shells in it within sight and arm's reach to my left. There, I just picked it up and looked into it. Yep, flakes of peanut skin and bits of shell. Hello? What's up with that? Wahn-wahhhhn.


Guess I should go eat. Need to charge up my brain so I can write that complicated algorithm for resizing bitmaps. Bilinear something or other. Shouldn't take more than a few hours this morning, but it may end up taking DAYS .. arrrgghh!! NoooooOOOO!.. Well, just kidding. It shouldn't really. I'm in a strange mood. Bah. Time to go.

Au revoir.

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