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2002-10-30 - 8:42 a.m.

Hey :o)

La la la, another day. This is the second day of sleeping in till 8 and rushing my morning routine a bit. It's already 8:30 so I need to make this quick and head out the door.

I hung out with Sarah and Justin last night. Talk about weird to be seeing them again after so long. To start things off, Sarah had ordered pizza and it was the strangest I'd ever eaten. Spinach, garlic, feta, mozza and tomatoes. It was quite tasty actually and I'm wondering if I could duplicate it on my own. I think I'll stick to my meat toppings for a while, but I definitely liked that combination. I also wouldn't particularly care for cooking the spinach before putting it on the pizza.

We went bowling and I sucked. Ha! I usually do so well whenever I go out and do those kinds of activities that it was nice to lose for once. It's seriously a pain in the ass to feel embarassed for winning all the time. I put it down to lack of sleep and the fact that I hadn't played 5-pin in years. See? I'm glad that I lose for a change, but then I'm search for an explanation for my subpar performance. I have a problem.. I push myself too hard by nature.

Work yesterday was a blast. I got so much done that I finished the rotating ad banner job in time to finish two more features Tom asked for. The download manager now downloads ad banners and a tutorial video, each banner also has a link associated with it, so if you click on the banner it goes to the link web page and if you click the tutorial button, it launches the video. Sounds like a piece of cake I'm sure but the fact that I could add the functionality into a multithreaded C++ application in one day is actually quite impressive.

Today I'm working on doing some wizardry with detecting when a user is at a given web page and popping up our little download summary dialog box when they get there. This is a nifty feature that came about when Tom told us a problem that another company was having and I brainstormed a simple fix in a few minutes whereas their engineering team had pondered the problem for days and not come up with anything. I think I wrote about that in my diary cause, hey, I'm cool ;o) That actually quite humourous cause it took me about 6 tries to type "I'm cool" cause I kept making typos. But you don't know that.. no siree :oP

Oh! I saw Pam last night. We were just leaving Seattle Coffee House and who should be walking in? No wonder I never see her because we were on the extreme opposite side of town from where I live. It was such a huge coincidence that I'm still kind of in shock. I got an email address from her but didn't stop to talk. She's still the same old Pam. I wonder how she's doing these days? I also wonder if 3 years is long enough for us to start talking normally again. I haven't thought of her all that much in the between time and I have no remnants of feelings for her so I think it's safe from my end. I'll have to carefully ask her what she thinks. Interesting.

Well, I'm off cause it's already 8:40 and I haven't eaten. Time for some soy milk and bran flakes.. MmmmmMm. Ttyl diarator.

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