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2002-09-29 - 7:36 a.m.

I'm kind of excited about today. Today is diary entry review day, goal review day, and goal planning day. I'm going to analyze my coming weeks and make a rough sketch of when I'm going to do work on some major projects. This year, at Christmas, I'm going to have some hard work to show as gifts for people I love. I've meant to do that almost every Christmas I can remember, but I never was able to get that organized. Well, there's a first time for everything :o)

I'm also doing laundry. As in I have two loads in the machines right now. Go back 2 months and ask the me that you find there if he would be up before 7:30am on a sunday, and already have showered and have two loads of laundry in the machines :o) I'm doing good, and I'm proud of it. I need to be proud of my accomplishments, no matter how small, because I have so many other things to get down about. The idea is that from here on out, I do no more things that make me depressed or dislike myself, and instead do things that make me proud of myself. It isn't going to be easy and it hasn't been easy so far, but I'm being dilligent and I will make it.

I think it's cloudy out there today. Hmm.. yep. Too bad cause it felt like a good morning to get in an inspirational sunrise. I'd better look more carefully at the sky just in case. Ok, it's definitely overcast but it may be worth a look. Thunder Bay has a weird climate where even on cloudy days, the horizon is clear, because Lake Superior doesn't usually have clouds over it. Besides, it's nice to get up and about in the morning.

I'll try to make this short and end in 5 minutes since I'll be doing a review entry later today anyway. There isn't much to write about for yesterday because I was at a LAN party all day.

I got up early and made a key for Mark since he lost his when he was drunk a few nights ago. (The night that he woke me up at 4:30am by kicking the kiddie pool in the driveway ;o) ) I laughed about it, but in a way I'm uncomfortable about him drinking that much because I know how even people with the best intentions can get violent. I know that all too well. What would I do if he busted something in the apartment? I don't know. I believe I can trust Mark, but if he were to start coming home drunk regularly I'd have to tell him I had a problem with it.

After making the key I went and grabbed Jamie and we headed to the office to set up. There were only the two of us for a while till Dan showed up and then just 3 people until 4:00. Brian surprisingly showed up too for a little while around 4 so we had a whole 5 people at our lan party for a few hours. Day of Defeat was the order of the day, supplemented by Warcraft 3 and some bouts of Insane. It actually turned out to be easy to leave early because Dan and Brian packed it in at 9. I was kind of surprised but it wasn't exactly as exciting with only 5 of us. Then, with only 3 left, it was an easy call to end things when my machine crashed on our last round of CS. So I was home before 10:00 on a LAN party day. Weird...

Then I read my AA book, played guitar, had a bath, sat at my desk and ticked off goals (haven't missed one yet :o) and then went to sleep around 10:30. All in all a simple, enjoyable, recreational day.

Well. Looks like I have a few minutes before the clothes have to go in the dryer and about 10 minutes left till sunrise. Kind of akward. Hmph. Oh well, quick! To the laundry room!

Au revoir.

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