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2003-04-25 - 11:12 p.m.

Today felt different. I spent some time thinking about juggernaut again, even going so far as to write some things down.

I went to the driving range with my sister again. I still haven't hit that 250 yard bull's eye yet.. but I will.. I will. On the way back home we stopped at the same place as yesterday to take pictures again, this time with her camera because it works now. We skipped some rocks into the river too, and I brought home a snail shell. I finally realized how those things are created, after wondering about it since I'd first seen a big sea shell when I was tiny. I guess all this fractal math exploration has attuned my mind to iterative patterns and made them more discernible in the world around me.

Focus on the positives.. yeah.. I really need to do that. I will not be happy if I continue to focus on what's not going right.

I'm 12-0 in the hockey season I started on my sega genesis. NHL '96 still rocks, 7 years later :o) It especially rocks because my brother and sisters are my wingers and Tristan especially has a wicked slapshot. He's tied for second place in the league for goals so far (12) and I expect him to lead by the time playoff season hits. Speaking of that game, I'm off to play a few rounds...

ps I didn't have to fudge the timestamp today ;o)

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