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2003-02-02 - 1:13 p.m.

I had a particularly lazy morning today. I laid around in bed from around 9:00 to 12:00. Don't ask me how I can do this, it's a special skill.

Actually, I would really like to know what's up with my sleeping patterns. Why is it that I can lay down in bed in a dark, fairly quiet room at 10:30 and still be awake 2 hours later, unable to sleep, yet in the morning, I lay awake in the same bed in a brightly lit room that's bombarded by noise and I just can't seem to get up.

I have an ouchy spot on the side of my thumb.

Life is still chugging along just fine I suppose. Still thinking of M xxx "the past" more than I'd like, but expecting those thoughts to fade away eventually. Still playing my guitar daily. Still making my bed daily. Flossing my teeth daily, which is a welcome addition to the routine.

Another welcome addition is OpenGL programming :o) I just got the demos from the Mesa-5.0 distribution working yesterday. Now I need to find out why they are running in software emulation mode. I'm learning quite quickly about how linux works. Just yesterday I found out that the libraries I was compiling in Mesa were getting put into a different directory than the one the demos were looking in at run-time.

Anyway, time to get on with my day. It's a little disconcerting to have my sister reading over my shoulder as I type in my diary so I'll leave it at that.


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