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2003-01-06 - 8:37 p.m.

It's a perfect time to write a diary entry. Because if I don't know I'll forget completely.

My mom just came and talked to me. It was nice :o) It's weird having friends around again after living alone for so long. I remember that just after Mark and I became friends it seems it was time for me to move out of the apartment. Now I have people around all the time who want to talk to me and hang out, even if they are only 8 and 5 :o)

It was strange, my mom came and talked to me and then left the door open. I think she wants me to be more a part of the family, since I've started closing my door sometimes. I don't think she realizes it's just to block the noise pollution of the tv. I can't handle listening to ads over and over and I detest that black box horribly. Some times, anyway, it's not so bad when I'm watching the Canadians come to a strong finish in the junior world championship :o)

Wow.. This entry feels like a breath of fresh air.

I've wanted to write poetry again lately. I'm not sure if I can handle it. The last time I read over what I've written so far in my life I was pretty defeated by the blandness of it all. There are lines here and there that are ok, but I'm already more impressed with my guitar playing than I am with my poetry.

Sketching is another things altogether. Is it really arrogant to believe I could be a master painter or a rock star or a programmer who changes the world with a new computer company? I think that great people can do pretty much whatever they put their mind to, but they have to focus that ability on only one thing or they peter out and never achieve the brilliance they are capable of.

Then again some are so talented that they do realize several of these goals. People do it in sport some times as well. I think the word polymath could be applied in a way, although in the sport case the individual isn't really doing something relating to science. But having well above average talent in several areas at once seems like something at least a few people on this planet can do well. I couldn't aspire to be better, that's for sure ;o)

Delusions of grandeur. At least I realize what they are :oP

Ok, I'm off to do something else. This was everything I'd hoped and everything an entry should be :o)


ps. I forgot to write a diary entry yesterday :o(

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