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2003-01-09 - 11:17 a.m.

I'm trying to work up the energy to drive to the mall in Windsor so I can get Pam's birthday present. I've been fighting a cold since yesterday and feeling very sleepy despite sleeping in and having naps during the days.

I haven't been out of the house in a while, though, so I really do need to venture outside. It's strange since I used to drive to Windsor pretty much every day when I was watching Niki's cat. This week has seemed very different. I put it down to the sickness.

The way I wrote that last sentence reminds me that I haven't written back to Lisa yet. And she even made the effort to leave me a note.. twice! I feel like I should put more effort into staying in touch with friends.

Speaking of friends, I'm considering dropping by Niki's house after the mall trip, since I'll already be in Windsor. I don't know if I will or if it would be a good idea, considering how we stressed each other out the last time I visited. I don't really understand the dynamics of our friendship, but sometimes it seems extremely fragile and other times it seems like we get along really well. Maybe I'll understand some day soon.

I can't wait to talk to Pam! :o) It's funny because I used to think and talk like I didn't want to see her any more, but once we actually hung out I forgot the pain of the past and rediscovered a really cool friend.

Who knows, maybe in three years I'll be good friends with Michelle. I'm not holding my breath though. I finally took her off my MSN list. I doubt I'll be hearing from her any time soon.

Hmm, not the best way to end an entry but I really need to get to the mall before it starts to get busy.


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