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2003-01-11 - 11:03 a.m.

I wonder how long the taste of orange juice will be associated with writing diary entries for me? :o) Not that that's a bad thing, considering I used to taste vodka when I drank orange juice.

I had insomnia last night. Got to sleep around 3:30 or 4:00 am I think. I went to bed around midnight. Yeah, I wrote that diary entry at 12:04 or something.. I remember thinking I technically had forgotten to write a diary entry yesterday. Still no guilt. Ok, I don't care too much about technicalities :o)

When I laid down to sleep last night, the first thing that popped into my head was how the universe is constructed. This happens to me sometimes at night. I didn't even have any herbs last night, honest! It just so happened that I started thinking about the structure of electrons and how BECs could really have a non-discrete number of atoms of different compatible types. I know that physicist dismissed me when I asked him about it, but I honestly think he's wrong and I'm right.

I can't even remember his name. Wolfgang? I think that was his first name.

Anyway, this morning my first thought was of the birds chirping outside my window. The chirps were very sporadic and it occurred to me that if I could stick my mic just out the window and record the outdoors, I could do two things:

1 - get recordings of individual bird chirps and so get a sampling of the species

2 - record the slow rise of chirping intensity as more and more birds joined the chorus of the first few, and analyze it for patterns. I think birds "activating" each other, as it were, would approximate neurons in the brain activating each other, or any number of other such processes.

Oh and I also thought you could make an alarm clock that has about 20 bird chirps sampled into it and that at the time of the alarm starts a slow build of bird chirps. You could do that by simulating individual birds that activate each other the same way as those outside do.

So anyway, I went back to bed because it was 8 am and I hadn't had nearly enough sleep. But when I finally woke up all the way at 10:30, the first thing I did was stick my mic out the window and start recording :o) Now I have 36 minutes of birdsong and counting.

While writing the above paragraphs, I thought that I could record the budgies in the house. I could record their individual chirps and then program a simulated flock of budgies to make them feel like they were on the african savannah. Or wherever budgies are from. Maybe I could just download budgie recordings. Who knows?

Oh, I think I'll make my birdsong recording available on Gnutella. I wonder if anyone will download "Sounds of nature - January birdsong of Amherstburg"? Sounds like a decent title. Maybe I should add "porn pron tits ass girl woman sex hard heavy fast" onto the end. :oP Stupid porn people.

Did I ever write about trying to find training videos on Gnutella? Every "training video" I found was actually porn under another name.

Anyway, time to go eat breakfast then practise some scales. I surprised myself last night when I was playing around on my guitar. I started to play the first song I ever wrote on it and I changed keys partway through without stopping and I kind of knew where to put my fingers. I'm getting in tune with my instrument, slowly but surely :o) That's one of my favourite expressions.

Oh, and I also thought last night (among many many other things that I haven't written about) that I want to paint my quintessential "happy place". I've had a strong mental picture of this place since grade 6 when I was first introduced to meditation (in a French Catholic school of all places). Anyway, since I started painting last night without having a picture in front of me and it was still coming out looking like real life, then I guess I could actually paint this place! That would rock. I'd need to practise up my water, rock and leaf drawing ability first thought I think.

Ok, I'm overdone. Overdrawn. Not stopping typing. That's another Carlerism. That last bit, "not stopping typing". I don't think that's grammatically correct, but it's something in my regular style of speech. Ok.. that's enough.

Au revoir.

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