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2003-01-13 - 8:38 p.m.

I had a ton of fun today :o) At first I have to admit that the best word to describe my reaction to the ski hill was "crestfallen", but a combination of finding some cool jumps and having lots of new friends around made up for it.

The reason I was crestfallen was that the web site for the hill made me think they had a ton of really advanced slopes when in reality this particular ski hill is more of a ski mound and the black diamond runs are easy enough to ski down blindfolded. I like my ski hills extra steep and agressive, with moguls and without, and with lots of variety in the land formations. Apparently, the group I went on this ski trip with is planning another outing in March that will be at a real ski hill. I can't wait for that!

When we got home I made pita pizzas for the crew and they loved them. That makes the third successful meal I've made my family since I've gotten here. I made killer pizza the first time (with crust made from scratch, of course, and using a special baking process to air bake the crust so it got crispy) and the other gourmet creation was chicken parmagiana with caesar salad and garlic bread. Yes, I do catering. Nyahaha. I am the killer chef du jour. I can't wait to introduce my kin to vietnamese "salad rolls".

Anyway, the other good thing happening soon is that I'm heading out to the hot tub. I'm so wiped I'm sure that trip will mark the end of my feeble grip on consciousness since I'm already quite wiped and ready to hit the sack.

And tomorrow morning I get to look forward to Pam coming to visit. The kids can't wait to see her and I think she'll have a fun and relaxing afternoon chez Brennan.

It's time for me to take out my contacts and brush my teeth, then practise a few scales on my guitar since I'm sure I'll be in for a deep sleep pretty much as soon as I get in from the hot tub.


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