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2003-09-19 - 10:09 p.m.

I was laying in bed last night, lost in thought about the future, and the past. I had one of those mental conversations that lends clarity to one's feelings on a particular subject, and I almost got up and turned on the computer so I could make sure to record my thoughts, but then I relaxed and told myself I'd remember them later.

The subject I was thinking about was the difference between "father" and "dad". A father is a person who helps conceive a child. For eg I was not Kris' father. If I had never existed, Kris would still have been born. Then I started thinking about what a dad is...

A dad is someone who loves you. A dad is someone who will take care of you. A dad is someone you look up to. A dad is someone who is responsible and who will guide you in your growth. A dad is someone you can go to when you need a friend. A dad is a good buddy you can have fun with. A dad is a lot of things, but not necessarily a provider of sperm. That, I think, is the difference. Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.

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