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2003-09-21 - 9:25 a.m.

I the shower today I spontaneously burst into song. Before I realized what I was singing and why, "Walking on sunshine" was bubbling up through my being, having taken over my whole body from my toes up. "And I just can't wait till the day when you knock on my door" mmmmm :) My sentiments exactly.

Today is a good day. I was asleep before it started, and I woke up before it was half way over. I started my morning with slow quiet drifting thoughts, remembering a peace I once felt when waking up in a cabin in the woods when my mom and I were on vacation. I was 4 then, and drifting out of sleep to the sound of birdsong and the sweet smell of a cool morning breeze filled me with the promise and the love of a new world.

Mundane thoughts have never been so exciting. What to pack. What my goal day is for having a job. Oh! That's what got me really started :o) When the thought just normally and naturally entered my mind that the end of the 2nd week of october makes a good goal day to have a job in Flin Flon, I rejoiced at the return of a part of myself I'd missed: the part that regularly opened that little blue goals binder and checked off mundane things like getting up and going to sleep at certain hours. Saara is so good for me... I'm already taking better care of myself.

Hearing: Fatboy Slim: "Praise you" :D And now.. while I was adding a bunch more songs that fit with the moment: Smashmouth: "Can't get enough of you baby" :)

Today can only get better, and hey! We're down to 10! Woooooo!

Oh yeah ;) Another slight change in the plans. Quebec visit has lost one of its main purposes :P Hee hee. It just seems so pointless now. Time enough for that when I feel like it again.

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