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2004-01-05 - 9:40 a.m.

I should have woken up a little bit earlier than this, but whatever, it feels like a good morning. The sun is barely up, shining through the kitchen window curtain that's just behind my monitor. It's so weak it doesn't bother me yet, or bring any heat for that matter. Have to remember to check the job bank for Sudbury this morning.

It is Monday, January 5th, 2004. My most pressing concerns are getting a job and returning the books on tape I got from the library for our holiday trip. Also very pressing are the items on my reminder list:

-history faxed from previous insurer

-get long distance plan charge removed from my phone bill

-have 20 applications in. current count: 2

-Talk to Dan

write by Wednesday dec 17th:

[email protected]




[email protected]

Notice that last bit. I remember seeing that a day or two before dec 17th and still not writing. Oh yeah, seeing Sue's name there reminds me that my drawing stuff and letter writing paper are still under the driver's seat of my car. I have to get those some time today. I will make it my goal for today to write to all those people. I need to add "phone mom" to that list. Sunday would have been a good day for that if I hadn't slept through it. I still could have called after the peeps got home but funnily enough my brain doesn't remember things like that when chaos prevails around me.

The sun is a wee bit higher and a wee bit brighter. It really doesn't feel like a good day. I could watch the sunrise from my bedroom window, or my kitchen window if I wanted. I just have to set my alarm for some time before 9 am. And if I'm up to braving a walk in the -30 weather, I can maybe hike to a good vantage point and see it even earlier. As if. Hhahahahaha.

Right, now to eat, shower, and get to work.

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