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2004-01-05 - 11:51 a.m.

I've spent the morning browsing through jobs at Rent a Coder.com. Hmm. I also read a few articles on there geared to helping coders make successful bids. I wonder if that could be the life for me. Every time I've reviewed a bid, I've thought of how many things I didn't know, how I didn't have examples or demos or samples, how the buyer lists technologies that I haven't worked with or that I think wouldn't be the best to use.

This is the same roadblock as I've run into with playing with other people and maybe even with getting a job around here. Paralyzed? Very much so. I think I'm peeking out from inside my shell.

On a higher note, this internet radio station from the UK is pretty kickass. Also, winamp only uses 1.7 MB on my system but reported something like 6 MB on Carrie's. I wonder what's up with that? Well, I do use winamp version 2 :D Heh. But also, she's on XP and I'm on 2k.

Yeah whatever, anyway, I should get in touch with either Tom or post a bid at Rent a Coder today. Well getting in touch with Tom is a must. And I need to remember to write those letters. I should have a shower. I should turn the heat down. I should have a shower and get dressed. I miss Saara. Summer will be better. Maybe by summer I can be moving to Sudbury. Some day soon...

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